Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Lady let your hair down
Put on your gown
Walk barefoot
Down by the water

Look at the stars
Observe where you are
Be held by the strength
Of your heavenly Father

The One who loves you
Is thinking of you
And knows your thoughts
He is not so far away

When you are home
And feel alone
He waits for your surrender
To lift the burdens of your day

In the waiting
He reveals more of Himself
A sliver of the divine
Healing and help

To all that had been scattered
Broken and bruised
Covering you with hope
His hand, His truth...

Casting down condemnation
Regret of past failings
Misguided decisions
Every mistake and admitted wrong

Is now covered in the blood
Of the Only perfect one
Do not be afraid to be weak
He is strong enough.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Constant motion
Exhaustion, busyness
Forgetting sometimes
Who I am really

So much to process
Alot to pass on
Plenty to learn
Praying really

Wars are raging
Inside and out
Daily laying things down
Really asking for help

Because I cannot and do not
Want to do things my own way
I will fall into grace
And really listen this time

Casting all worries and cares
Completely upon Him who cares for me
I will put on humility like a blanket
Resting freely in this hammock

Of faith and be refreshed
Ready myself for the challenges ahead
To be free of this temporary tent
For You O God are my guide even unto death.