Dear God, please do not allow us to continue in our ways of thinking. May we yield now instead of later. Thank you for your warnings Lord, make us sensitive to your Spirit that we may tell others of the truth with an urgency. Time is passing by so quickly these days. May we be alert and awake, watching as your coming is even at the door. All praise, glory, and honor be yours who was, is, and will forever be.
Friends: I tried not to wait too long before writing another update. These notes will be in no certain order as I am sharing again from my journal pages. I trust this is God's perfect timing, and that as HIS faithfulness has shown me so much --- He will reveal even more to you as you are desiring more of Him. Be encouraged.
[In this you are giving God the first fruits, trusting Him to give you the rest.
[II Chronicles 20:15-17 The battle belongs to the Lord]
[God is not bound by our expectations]
[God does not reveal His secrets to those that are not truly seeking Him]
[Change is constant...get ready to move]
Took communion today - everytime I'm on my knees, I feel like a warrior before the King. I am reminded that I am Yours Lord. I confess it is my desire that You do with me what You will, In Jesus name. Amen.
I believe that today prayers are being answered even from long ago. That walls are falling down, strong holds are being broken, the enemy is powerless to operate against me or any of my family in Jesus name.
Daniel 5:17 "Then Daniel answered and said before the King, Let thy gifts be to thyself and give thy rewards to another; yet I will read the writing unto the King, and make known to him the interpretation."
Regardless of the words of man...I will walk forward by faith trusting you Lord.
Phil 2:7 "Jesus made himself of no reputation..."
Isaiah 53:3 "He was despised and rejected by men..."
John 5:44 "How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God?"
I John 2:6 "Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did."
3:57am Thank you Jesus that I'm up early to spend time with you. I pray this is a discipline that will be an everyday desire that honors you in Jesus name. I've written some letters by your strength to our friends. God that I might be a witness to you in every place, to the ends of the earth. [Acts 1:5,8]
[Ecclesiastes 7:9] Deal with the root of selfishness and pride. The selfish person has an opinion about every subject.
Have I heard God's voice today? It is 10:27pm this evening and this was the question I read in my devotional.
When I stop to think of this thing, I tell myself "I hope so." In many moments, even now, as the rain pours down my soul yearns to hear from you precious Lord. At this place, and then when it's time to leave, when I'm alone or in the company of others...I delight to make mention of your name. For your holiness to cross the pathways in my mind, your word to be the blessing on my lips, and the illuminary light that resides deep into every chamber of this heart.
[Daniel 11] God comes and He also sends His angels to confirm and strengthen us.
Revelations 12:11 "They overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives unto death."
Direct our steps God and may we never be self-appointed. Your will be done...put to death the works of the flesh.
I was encouraged by the lyrics of this song. Sometimes I forget what it feels like to surrender to the lasting embrace of my Saviour. Jesus hold me all over again.
24 Oceans, 24 skies, 24 failures, 24 tries
24 finds me 24th place 24 dropouts at the end of the day
Life is not what I thought it was 24 hours ago
I'm not who I thought I was 24 hours ago
24 reason to admit that I'm wrong
With all my excuses still 24 strong
I'm not copping out, I'm not copping out
When you're raising the dead in me
I'm the second man now
and your raising these 24 voices
with 24 hearts, all of my symphonies with 24 parts
But I wanna be 1 today centered and true
Spirit take me up in arms with you
You're raising the dead in me
I want to see miracles, see the world change
wrestle the angel for more than a name, more than a feeling, more than a cause
Singing Spirit take me up in arms with you.
by: Switchfoot
"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to an all knowing God." --- Corie Tin Boom
Another night of struggles, lessons learned, and all glory to God.
Went to see the "The PASSION of Christ" with my brother Michael. Jesus, I thirst for you. Went home, took a shower, put by hair back, Michele and I left for the chapel. Make ready my heart Saviour with this utter desire to do nothing except lay prostrate before the feet of my King...consume me. No music, no conversation, no gatherings until You speak or bring this about by your Spirit. Praying in the Spirit...Joel 2...wailing, weeping, mourning...reading Jeremiah 13 until chapters later prayers come forth.
Psalms 34:17 "The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles."
Lamentations 2:19 "Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord."
Zechariah 4:6 "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord of Hosts."
When I was driving home from the Chapel tonight, I was driving the M&M car home. Michele was following right behind me in our friend's car. She had our cell phone and I had my brother, Mike's cell phone. Michele and I stopped by Wal-mart to pick up some groceries on the way home. Michele reminded me before we continued on the way home that I should call our friend back at NAS Jacksonville. SO I did. As I was on the phone with him, holding the phone with my left hand and driving with my right...my fingers felt wet on my left hand. So I asked my friend to hold on for moment and I clicked on the light. My three fingers were covered in blood to where the joints of the fingers bend. My thumb, index, my middle finger. I told my friend I'd have to call him back when I got home.
I looked in the review mirror to where I had been holding the phone and where my fingers were on my neck - the left side of my neck, directly under my jaw line I was bleeding. The area that was apprently bleeding was about the size of my palm and it was bleeding down my neck. I called Michele to ask if she was behind me and if she would not mind pulling over at the next lit parking lot. Keeping in mind this was around 11:30pm. I was not scared though it was a mystery to me as to why I was bleeding or what might have caused it. I did not remember scratching myself at all.
So Michele steps out of the car and looks at me and says, "Wow Mar, that's a bad paper cut!" Mmhmm well I reminded her that we were just standing in line at the checkout counter of Wal-mart and she was standing on the lefthand side of me. Pretty sure she would have noticed if I had been bleeding or cut. She told me to get a napkin and wipe it off...maybe it was paint. I didn't remember seeing any 'Wet paint' signs within the last twenty four hours. So I took my water bottle and dampened the napkin and started wiping. As I was wiping at first it burned a little as if it were a cut or scratch. After it was all wiped off and I wiped my fingers off, the napkin was full of blood. Michele looked at my neck and said she didn't see any marks on me at all. She proceeded to burst out laughing and said this was like something out of a movie it seemed so crazy!
We both got in our cars and were only a few minutes away from home. Michele said, "Don't be scared Mar, Jesus is in the car with you." The scene from the movie flashed back to my mind of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemne, and how many of us just don't believe the enemy exist just because we don't physically see him.
When we got home I got a washcloth, went straight to the mirrow to rewipe and check to see in the light what it really was. There was no trace that there was ever any blood on my neck at all. No cut, no scratch, no blemish to be found. I threw the blood soaked napkin away. May God reveal all that He so desires in the days to come.
Rest comes when leaders serve...
4:23am Just watched the end of Jerry McGuire with mom. She was crying when it was over. I stood in silent tears while hugging her, thanking God for all He has so dearly bestowed upon me in and through her life. It's moments like these, alone in the dark, writing by a flickering candle light I realize:
You are my breath, my oxygen, you are the water I thirst for. Your arms are the ones that are never too short to save and protect my family, my brothers and sisters. If I were offered the whole world and everything in it...it would never be enough to satisfy. It is you and you alone that I need. Father, speak to me. Jesus, hold me. Holy Spirit, move me I pray...take the mangledness of my thoughts. Enable me to see clear through to the heart of the truth.
Psalms 56:8-10 "...save my tears in a bottle...for God is for me."
11:30pm until 1:am Went to the beach to meet my friend Heidi. Looked at the moon as it reflected on the ocean. GLORY AND HONOR TO GOD. So thankful Lord for the fellowship of those you have put in my life.
[I Corinthians 13] The secret to strong love --- forgiveness.
May we all resolve to know nothing, but Christ crusified. May we take time to pray, may we not forsake our first love. May we not live to please the flesh for from the same we will reap. May our pride be stripped away, may all our ideals fall to the ground
never to rise again.
Jeremiah 13:17 "But if you will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for your pride; and mine eye shall weep sore, and run down with tears, because the Lord's flock is carried away captive."
"We are more loved and accepted than we'll ever understand." - Jason Dunn
The prisoners this last Sunday evening when I went to visit them...were standing on their feet, calling on the name of the Lord. They had started praising God before any preachers or speakers arrived. This was one of the most thrilling experiences of my life! I exalt the Lord our God for allowing me to be a witness to the working of HIS mighty Spirit which brought freedom within those walls. Each man by the end of the night, sincerely stood on their feet, changed, in tears and with such grateful hearts words could not describe.
At the place where you've found me
Balled up inside reduce me to nothing
Crying out as a child in desperate need
Help comes from you Lord
Comfort, real comfort is in your embrace alone...
You call me from a distance
How long have you been calling me?
Where was I in thought
That your whispers could not be heard?
Lay your hand upon me
Send forth your healing word
Exodus 19:4 "I bare you on eagles' wings
and brought you unto myself."
Write your precepts on my heart
Retain in my mind the steadfastness
of your love.
Looking forward to seeing many of you soon, the third week in April, somewhere out west. Call or email for specifics. May God continue to lead us on.
There is no substitute for the Word of God.
Telling all...until He comes-