Sunday, September 13, 2009


Quiet, somethings are blinding
Coming into the light
Wrestling fears within
Desiring to be clear minded
Found faithful
Doing all as unto Him

Compassionate, understanding
Strength comes in the waiting
Crying, anticipating
There is more to this
Life than a constant fight
Pushing past the cold

Soon to be clothed, renamed
Covered with His blanket, unashamed
Tucked away close to His heart
Protected, surrounded, set apart
Not defending myself anymore
Because love fights for me.

For now, having a moment
Clearing the clouds away
Taking a long look
A deep breath
Getting ready
For what is about to come...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Inward repentance
True, genuine, holding fast
Lose self, cast yourself
Cast your burdens

Do not despise hardship
Thankfulness worships
The one that is mighty
To deliver and strong to save

Lasting love
Takes on many forms
Truth is its foundations
Endless, Inexhaustible, boundless