Sunday, March 6, 2011


A sudden whisper I hear
My Lord, The King is near
And with Him a procession of purpose, endless courage
Write it down, mix it with faith, be nourished

Look upon the truth, let it fill all of you
Let freedom sanctify, wash, and cloth
Make you ready and be all that you know
An assurance of change somehow sustains
Inspiration like sunlight dancing in the rain
A gentle joy comforts my mind
You're in me and I'm in You forever in time
Though now, through daily duties and chores
I miss you, I seek you, I long for more

While all else continues to come and go
When the day is spent, keep me close
I will gladly wait and live to explore
Guarding attentively all my windows and doors
Choosing the blessing and not a curse
By letting everything else take second, I put you first.

Shaken I shutter to think, to feel, I must
No presence is more real, I receive, I trust
What I have known in you
Your blood poured out to prove
True love surpasses flesh and bone
It gives, it does not seek its own

Overlooking mistakes, empowering deep within
Giving vision desire with a hunger to begin again
It pleases you to delight in me
This free-willed little one who sometime cannot see
Your love does not change
Good or bad day
You want me just like this
No matter how unprepared, unsteady, every bit, all the way.

2 Jan 2006
I Thess 3:8

Friday, March 4, 2011


Please fix your mind on the promise, the prize - Jesus Christ. If you have Him, you will not lack any good thing. Should it temporarily appear you are missing something or someone...Be still. HE IS GOD. May your need only serve as opportunity to draw closer to the One who loves you most. He alone adds to you what is needful and necessary. If you do not have something, you must not need it. Give Thanks. The King of love is faithful to provide even the smallest detail of care and affection.

Do not be discouraged by the struggles of life. Even a beautiful butterly has to pass through struggles to find the strength to use the wings she has been given to fly. God is with you. You were made to overcome.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Stop putting off
What needs to be done
Wearing yourself out
With unnecessary worries
Filling your pockets with earth

Let it all go
What you think you know
Leave your burdens
And the weight of the world
To the one who loved you first

Fall on the strongest shoulders
The One who made it all
For us to enjoy and reflect our friend
The time is now
To draw near to Him

Glorious joy, love, and desire
The Prince of peace, the all-consuming fire
Arise and let Him shine on you
Put away the excuses
When you know the time is now