Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Who is it? How is it? These thoughts of the mind
Coming forth to carry me away from taking action
To practice diversions that will only take me from destiny's path
Emerging without any warning...drawing my attention to the past
A cursed accused distorted abused
The lies that try to settle here
In the shadows of time
Before I knew the truth
I was blinded by fear
Longing to disappear into grace
To be transformed restored embraced
By true love's arms
Invited to partake of the bread and the wine
Naturally nourished by divine eyes
Searching infinetely beyond what was there
knowing the heart behind the prayer
Hidden treasure dressed in armor
Fight until you can fight no longer...
Lift up your head
Awaken O warrior, rise from the dead
Take unto you the joy of abiding in Him
Though you are at war, you are not a slave to sin
Give the enemy no place, no ground to stand
For the true battleground is within
the heart and mind of man.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Quietly I turned to look up
He who is faithful fills my cup
By His word He directs my life
His pure love opens my eyes

Drifting He brings me back
Falling He makes me stand
Forgetting He reminds me
Upholding me by His righteous right hand

Needing understanding I cry out
Waiting in expectation of the truth
Increasing in spiritual hunger and thirst
Comforted that I am loved by You

Lacking nothing for You are mine
Strengthened by the knowledge of You
As You are, so am I
Loving giving grace peace and life.

Friday, March 5, 2010


I saw a woman today
Working, thinking, concerned
Seemed to be troubled about many things
---Your healing is coming---

Listened to a friend tonight
Whose heart was heavy with life
Longing to live love's truth
---Your healing is coming---

Someone is facing a loss right now
Feeling alone in your thoughts
A little overwhelmed by reality
---Your healing is coming---

At least a few of us
Are more distant than we'd like to be
God hears our prayer
---Our healing is coming---