Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Come home. Be here.
Come down from where you are.
Come back. Sit down
Speak your mind. Stay here a little while.
Come here. Write. Your thoughts. Your hopes.
The places you are desiring to go. Be found. Believe.
Take heart. You are right where you need to be...

And furthermore, you are more than you realize.
You are healed from the hurts. You are rescued from the deep.
You are held in the arms of the one who watches you sleep.
You are secure. You are strong. You are pleasing in His sight.
Hang on. Be still. Not much longer. Speak life.

In the blink of an eye. Everything is subject to change.
Never lose hope. Take shelter in the Most High.
You can smile. You are free.
You are who and how God has made you to be.
You are loved. You are enough.
Rest on this. He will complete the work He has begun in you.

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