Thursday, February 5, 2009


The path is not as we imagine it to be
Not wide and open and full of fantasy
It is lonely and broken and sometimes bare
Watching and praying when no one else is there

Being kind to the unthankful and to the evil
Not giving what we think is deserved
Laying down our life to love and honor each other
Sacrificing what self wants in order to serve

It is digging in the dirt, changing diapers, and washing dishes
Taking out the trash and paying attention
It is a whole lot of grace and forgiveness
Overlooking mistakes and unwise decisions

Avoiding what causes division, mistrust, and strife
Doing all that you can to bless another's life
Thinking of others more than you think of yourself
Considering how your actions and words may hurt or help

Narrow is the way and few that find it
Because it is the lowliest of low, true kindness
Giving up your rights to gain what you cannot see
Asking, seeking, and finding...

Take the low road
Remember others behind you follow.

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