Saturday, March 15, 2008


I'd rather walk the desert in distant lands
than live a minute without you
I'd rather be in search of what I can't find
than to know a moment away from the truth
I'd rather face the darkest night
than not choose what's right
I'd rather live in a storm I can't escape
than never know your embrace
I'd rather have a lonely heart
than to know I've disobeyed
I'd rather never have an experience
if I have to experience it without You
I'd rather be blinded
than not to have layed
It all down as You would
being subjected to all loss
Looking farther than our eyes could see
seeing the glory in the cross
Give me strength, Lord
not to just give up
Make me simpler - God
that I will seek Your will
Give me boldness that I can say
the words that need to be
Said...maybe not right now
but let me know Your heart in this
That it may be proved somehow
that I am Your servant God
waiting only on You
Not looking at circumstances
believing what Your power can do
I am so in love with You~

Marcie L. Mayo

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