Saturday, March 15, 2008


Uprooted...booted to the curb
the resistance, the nerve
I need you no more
self-reliance, defiance
Take a seat before you leave
I would like you to meet
Humility and True compassion
They are here to stay
To remind me of my Hope in God
and the great privilege I have to pray
Leaving all burdens and cares
in the courts of the King Himself
Who died the greatest death
the pain of the world he felt
I refuse to take a watered down view
of this ultimate sacrifice
I choose to suffer with Him
and pour out my life
To do this I will have to oppose
the expectations of all whom I know
My peace will be His word, His promise
to do God's will...abide...and be satisfied...I am counting on it.
Walk I will one day, with those who I love and long to know
To look upon their brilliant faces - stranger, friend, family or foe
There will be no more silence, misunderstandings, or empty spaces of not knowing
Only pure, deep love, the greatest communion that keeps on going
Until every heart of faith becomes undone and transparently clear
no doubt will be found only joy instead of tears
Undressed of this earth we will finally be free
reflecting perfect light, in His presence, constant indwelling will be
O How I long for this day to come,
where we will at last become One.

Marcie L. Mayo
29 July 2005
Psalm 39:7

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