Saturday, March 15, 2008


Sometimes people may lose track of you, and get too busy to care
Sometimes you may not have the energy to take the next step forward
Days may come that you've seen it all before
Silence fills your ears, cast the doubts aside
-You must walk on.
Emotions may find you without a clue, crying desperately for answers
but you don't hear an immediate response
When work seems it will never change; the hours are getting longer
When you feel no one knows you exist, your home and friends are dearly missed
-You must walk on.
If confusion fills your mind, truth is just a prayer a way
When you feel forgotten or less despised, you must remember
you are hidden treasure in the Saviour's eyes
If life is overwhelming, you can't seem to find a way
put your hope in his love, he is the way
-You must walk on.
When habits overcome the strongest of your will
ask the Lord's forgiveness and just be still
When trials are more than you can take
Your heart is hardened, He wants you to break for Him
-You must walk on.
If you're discouraged, finding it hard to choose
the path has already been chosen, He walks before you
His love is greater, His ways are higher
You are His heart's desire
-You must walk on.

Marcie Mayo18 June '01

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